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Gesunde und fest sitzende Zähne geben Ihnen ein schönes und unbeschwertes Lächeln. Wir beantworten Ihnen gerne allgemeine Fragen zum Thema Zahnmedizin.

knochenaufbau PRF membran
Anzahl der Beiträge: 3

EineAntwortgeben Eine Fragestellen AlleForenanzeigen

erstellt: 27.11.2017 - 13:22

christian aus BY


kann man mit dem PRF Membran auch Knochen in der Höhe aufbauen oder ist das Membran für kleinere nur für kleinere Sachen gedacht?

erstellt: 28.11.2017 - 20:48

Unbekannt aus ...

Roos lügt bis die Balken berschen. 


With patients´ blood or plasma you can build bone in a natural way. The bone grafting materials are not relevant and mostly absolutely useless.

Dr. Oliver Scheiter: "...I am with Cliff and I have 15 years of surgical experience backing me up... the different plasma product companies trying to discredit each other or by the biomaterial multinationals trying desperately to get rid of the annoying competition....

...Why the hell does nobody talk about the advantages of enriched plasma in comparison to conventional surgical protocols instead of banging each other’s heads in. Most of the world still doubts that any of the plasma products work. Big loss for the patients…"


---------- Forwarded message --------
Date: Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 4:36 PM
Subject: You need urgently the right cooperation partners at the UCLA for the right implantology, A small Tuesday greeting to your UCLA

Hello Dr. Moy,

here is ALEX INSTRUMENTS again. You work with the wrong partners together at the UCLA (Straumann, Nobel Biocare and Geistlich).

Your Straumann´s small implants do not work. The Swiss Straumann has a market share of 25 percent in implantology and they grow unfortunately more and more, although they go the completely wrong way with their allografts (bone from other people) and xenografts (cows, pigs, horses...) and big implants with the wrong design.

Straumann rocks through Germany in 2016 and 2017:

Straumann rocks at ITI 2017

This shit Straumann rock truck in Germany:

The Swiss Nobel Biocare (100 percent shareholder of the Danaher Group in Washington D.C. with 62.000 employeers) has the shit cow bone Creos (it is Bio-Oss under another label) and also shit big implants..

Upto 20 percent of the patients suffer with chronical sinusitis
(statement Dr. Dong Seok Sohn from Daegu in Korea).

Please see my current photo. Every day I have that out of my left
sinus and it hurts of course.

1.) You can make bone grafting in the sinus with blood.

2.) You can make bone grafting with patient´s own bone (see Prof. Khoury).…/fortbildung-prof-khoury-privatklinik…
Premise for any bone grafting is enough augmentation material. Prof. Khoury uses almost exclusively autologous (patient´s own) bone. "The Gold Standard" as he emphasized repeatedly :"Me as an old "Bio-Oss' user had to swallow with permanent photos of Bio-Oss® failures which were shown. And if you question your own achievements critically, the implantation in a Bio-Oss augmentation is more of a drilling in a petrification than in a bone-like substance. Bio-Oss® will never resorb."

3.) Maybe you can use synthetical bone grafting materials
(particularely in periodontology and for cancer patients)

4.) You can make bone grafting with plasma (patient´s own blood).

"Over the last 10 years we have developed our own protocol for lateral crest augmentation. In 90% of the cases we do not need any kind of biomaterial. The technique is simple, reliable and absolutely loved by our patients."

Look at the following abstract:

Oliver Scheiter, D.D.S.
May 22, 2015 at 10:55 am

Sorry forgot the pw.
It’s “Marident”

If you like what you see, we have workshops on Mallorca on a regular basis. You won’t think twice about your case once you have seen this.

Sunny regards Oliver

5.) You can make bone grafting with extracted teeth.

6.) Bicon Dr. Morgan in Boston

More than 30 years successful experience with short implants with the right design for the right stability and bone growing/grafting around the implant. It is the best implant system ever!


Prof. Ewers in Vienna knows also the side effects with cow bone
"Bio-Oss". Always periimplantitis and bone destruction (sclerotic
bone). He wants to help me with a new surgery. Sometimes he removed the completely upper jaw bone because of foreign body reactions with cow bone.

8.) Bone grafting materials have the wrong declaration as medical
devices. They must have the status medical drugs by the authorities.

9.) A dentist is not allowed to practice sinus lifts because dentists
do not have the human medical study. The sinus becomes smaller after a sinus lift.

10.) Wilfried Wagner

(University Mainz in Germany) is responsible for gene manipulations in suffering foreigners for bone and soft tissue regeneration. It sounds more than a NAZI horror. Wagner is protected by the German government. Sorry Dr. Moy: I don´t know which industry in that case (probably Geistlich too).

11.) Two times I visited Loma Linda where Bio-Oss has been developed and spoke with Dr. Herford.

12.) Two times I visited Dr. Hilt Tatum in London (developer of the
sinus lift technique).

13.) Please write the truth about Bio-Oss and publish it. Geistlich
should leave the market.

14.) At Linkedin you confirm that Isabella Rocchietta has skills in
dentistry and oral surgery. Please delete the confirmation.

15.) Osteology and Osteoscience is shit. Stop your work there.

16.) The last Straumann ITI president ´Dr. David Cochran told me in spring this year in San Antonio that he has already found bovine proteins in Bio-Oss in the late 90th.

Conclusion: Dr. Moy, Improve your work at the UCLA and look for the
right cooperation partners at the UCLA.

Best regards

UCLA School of Dentistry

Director for UCLA Dental Implant Center and the Straumann Surgical Dental Clinic
Nobel Biocare Endowed Chair in Surgical Implant Dentistry

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